Multibody Hydrodynamics

Longitude Engineering has extensive experience in performing a wide variety of hydrodynamic analyses for the offshore industry, sometimes as a single body, but often as a multibody simulation, where the response of a vessel is dependent upon the effects of a nearby body such as another vessel or a quayside.

Hydrodynamic analyses for the offshore industry

Applications for multibody hydrodynamics may include the following.

  • Mooring of vessels in tandem alongside a quay, such as in the case of a floating LNG terminal
  • DP capable vessels working in track target mode close to an FPSO or FSO
  • STS operations where a smaller vessel may be in the lee of a larger vessel
  • Heavy lift operations with multiple floating cranes

As a basis of many other analyses, the derivation of accurate and reliable hydrodynamic coefficients and properties of vessels and offshore structures is critical.  At Longitude, we apply this experience through the use of in house macros and sub routines developed over many years which include.

  • Advanced Hull form modelling,
  • Fine Mesh control
  • Validation of Response Amplitude Operators (RAOs) and Quadratic Transfer Functions (QTFs)
  • Calculation of vessel motions and accelerations suitable for design and operability analyses.
  • Mooring analyses
  • Operability Assessments

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Managing Director Longitude Europe

London, Longitude

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Case Studies View All

FPU BW JOKO TOLE – Conversion Engineering

Longitude was contracted by BW Offshore to provide the full range of naval architecture and structural engineering service for the detailed design of the conversion of a tanker to…

A2Sea Sea Challenger Dudgeon OWF WTG Mobilisation

Longitude was contracted to undertake naval architectural and structural engineering design and analyses on A2Sea’s jack up installation vessel Sea Challenger, for transportation and installation of Siemens 6.0MW WTG components…

Golok and Sarawak Gas Project Float-over system design and analysis

The Golok Gas field is located offshore Sarawak, Malaysia and the development included the installation of two platforms (GOPA and GOPB). The Sarawak Gas project includes the installation of…