The team at ABL Group shares the passion, vision and values for working in energy and the world’s oceans, de-risking and driving the energy transition. We are driven by the idea that the best work is born from professionalism, diligence… and fun. You know ABL Group, but do you know our team?

Meet James Sugden | Head of Marine Systems, Longitude in Newcastle

1. What does your day-to-day look like at ABL? 

The work is very varied, I work with an experienced team on a number of projects spanning different marine sectors. My work ranges from expert witness work, modification and retrofit of equipment and systems, as well as hands-on commissioning to concept design of new ships.

2. What inspired you to join your industry? 

I was interested in engineering from a young age and spent time renovating old machinery in my teenage years and applying engineering techniques to cave exploration. I studied marine engineering as I wanted a career in an industry undergoing continuous development and did not want to be pigeon holed to a single product line or niche industry.

3. Can you tell us about something exciting you are working on right now? 

We are currently working on a number of projects with methanol fuel systems. Both as retrofits and newbuild designs. The challenges in terms of safety and space limitations require innovative solutions and a lot of head scratching. Aside from the emissions, diesel is a brilliant fuel and is a tough one to replace! It is very challenging to get comparable safety, performance and endurance from a similar sized vessel operating on alternative fuels and some trade-off is inevitable.

4. What does the future look like in energy and oceans? 

It is an exciting time to be a marine engineer, with fast growth of new industries and increasing pressure to deliver solutions with reduced environmental impact. Combined with the fact that regulatory authorities have not yet fully developed design guidance and regulations for many emerging technologies, the design approach needs to be robust and carried out to a greater level of detail than for more conventional marine systems. It has been satisfying to draw on experience gained from working in oil and gas and to apply many of the tools and approaches developed within this industry to help develop a more sustainable future.

5. What do you enjoy most about working as part of the Longitude team? 

I enjoy working with such a diverse range of people and projects. I have input on projects worldwide led by teams based in different offices. The way Longitude is set up means I have the ability to work closely with engineers in Singapore or the US. We have a very open collaborative working environment meaning everyday is a school day and I appreciate the learning environment that is fostered within the group.

Find out more about James Sugden and the rest of the team’s work in vessel design, retrofit and conversion, including marine systems engineering, design and analysis:

Longitude Vessel Design, Retrofit and Conversion