The team at ABL Group shares the passion, vision and values for working in energy and the world’s oceans, de-risking and driving the energy transition. We are driven by the idea that the best work is born from professionalism, diligence… and fun. You know ABL Group, but do you know our team?

Reichard Featherstone | Lead Naval Architect and Head of Design Engineering, Newcastle

What does your day-to-day look like at Longitude?

My work is a mixture of vessel design projects and coordinating the design engineering team in the UK.

What inspired you to join your industry?

Several members of my family have an engineering and maritime background. When I was about four a small coaster came aground on the Norfolk coast, which I was able to walk around at low-tide. Relative to my size at the time it looked massive and made a lasting impression, leaving a long-lasting interest in ships.

Can you tell us about something exciting you are working on right now?

The design of a new Buoy Tender for Trinity House. This vessel, when built will attend the buoys, lightvessels and lighthouses around the coastline of England and Wales.

 What does the future look like in energy and oceans in the region? 

The growth of offshore energy and the movement to zero-emission fuels offers great growth potential for our team of naval architects, marine and structural engineers and draughtsmen.

What do you most enjoy about working as part of the ABL Group team? 

I am very lucky to work in a team full of knowledge and enthusiasm, where people are genuinely interested in improving everything we do.

Discover Longitude’s vessel design portfolio to find out more about our diverse expertise: 

Longitude Vessel Design Portfolio